Wolf & Rita

The idea behind Wolf & Rita emerged from a history of specialized shirts making that started more than 30 years ago. After such a long period of time producing garments for other brands, the decision to create a brand came as a natural step.

Embracing the use of old techniques and the natural expertise that comes with experience, Wolf & Rita presents shirts for boys and girls. In the collections they combine simple and sofisticated design with high-quality fabrics and manufacturing, combining both classical and latest trends and styles, they want parents to be able to choose an adequate shirt for their children, just as they would choose for themselves.
Wolf & Rita cultivates the savoir faire and inspiration of the past to create modern shirts for everyday use. They hope you enjoy wearing the shirts as much as they enjoy making them.
The fabrics and trimmings are of the finest quality and always locally outsourced. They aim to present the tag 100% Made in Portugal as a proof of quality, but also as a means of supporting the local community.
Art is a mirror of everything that happens in the world, but it can also change our outlook on the world. We live in fast-changing and troubled times, so innocence, hope and dreams are treasures to revere and protect.
There is magic in growing up while trying to hold on to the innocence of childhood. Let’s celebrate being young and adventurous. To celebrate art is to celebrate life itself.
Wolf & Rita CHF50 to CHF100